
Plasma Treatment

Research and Development in Plasma Technologies

Plasma Pyrolysis processing of waste tires and rubber products

One of the main challenges of modern society is the rising rate of solid waste generated by man’s activities which has poised a major environmental concern. The disposal of used tires such as automobile tires from cars and trucks, bicycle tires, motorbike tires, farm tires, and other polyisoprene-based products is a large fraction of such problems as 1.3 billion tires are estimated to reach their end of life cycle annually worldwide.

We in Plasma Dynamics intend to use the most economical and advanced techniques for the design and manufacture of the Plant in order to satisfy both economical and environmental aspects at the same time. Thermal valorization is also emerging as a possible solution for reprocessing huge amounts of such material. The three main technologies for thermal valorization are pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion.

  • Pyrolysis: Thermal degradation in absence of oxygen.
  • Combustion: Thermal degradation in presence of oxygen.
  • Gasification: Thermal degradation in presence of gasification agent (water vapor stream, air…etc.).


Gasification is a thermal process (T > 750°C) allowing conversions of carbonaceous materials, such as organic waste or biomass into carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a controlled amount of oxygen or steam. The resulting gas mixture, also called synthesis gas or syngas, is a suitable source for power gas turbines or fuel cells. 


One of the important recovery technology is pyrolysis. Extensive knowledge on pyrolysis as a way to convert waste organic materials (oily sludge: residue inside the bottom of a fuel tank, fuel residue accumulated on the fuel filter, residue resulting from the purification lubricating oil, oily waste, organic materials in municipal waste: oil, soap, tires, plastic, textile to name but a few.) into useful products have been carried out for decades. Pyrolysis of tires involves the thermal degradation of the rubber of the tire at a temperature (300°C-900°C) in an inert atmosphere. The pyrolysis of scrap tires has received increasing attention since the process conditions may be optimized to produce high-energy oil, gas, and residual char in addition to the steel casing of the tire. Steel is recycled back into the iron or steel industry. The other three products are used as energy (fuel) or/and chemical resources.

In the pyrolysis process, the organic volatile matter of tires is decomposed to low molecular weight products, liquid, or gases. The inorganic components and the non-volatile carbon black remain as a solid residue that is relatively unaltered and therefore can be recycled in worthwhile applications.

The pyrolysis process is especially appropriate for complex wastes, which contain many different plastics mixed with other materials (soil, textile, glass…etc.), as in the case of automobile shredder residues (ASR), which does not need a pre-cleaning process and the solid product could be used in the metal manufacture and carbon black activation.


Plasma Gasification Plant scrapped tire tyre rubber waste disposal treatment cracking pyrolysis energy hydrogen production eea epa
Plasma Pyrolysis processing of waste tires and rubber products | waste treatment, cracking, pyrolysis and hydrogen production according United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ,European Environment Agency (EEA) of national waste prevention programmes and Environment Action Programme

Thermal Plasma Pyrolysis Technology

Plasma is considered by many to be the fourth state of matter, following the more familiar states of solid, liquid, and gas. The addition of sufficient energy to a gas converts the gas into plasma. In other words, plasma is an ionized gas resulting from an electrical discharge, for instance. Thermal plasma pyrolysis can be described as the process of reacting a carbonaceous solid with limited amounts of oxygen at high temperatures (10000°C > T > 5000°C). In order to produce combustible gas, having a calorific value in the range of 4-9 MJ/Nm3, and carbonaceous solid products, no liquid product.
In the highly reactive plasma zone, there is a large fraction of electrons, ions, and excited molecules together with high-energy radiation. When carbonaceous material are injected into plasma, they are heated very rapidly by the plasma. The volatile substance is released and cracked which gives rise to hydrogen and light hydrocarbons such as methane and acetylene. High temperature combined with the high heating rate of the plasma bringing about the destruction of organic waste; consequently, a gas and a solid residue with varied properties depending on the feed characteristics and operating conditions are formed. The amount of gas product can reach up to 70-80% of the feed, for comparison, the gaseous product generated by conventional pyrolysis of scrap tires is only 10-20% for slow pyrolysis and 30-50% for rapid pyrolysis. The heating value of the gas product is in the range of 4-9 Mj/Nm3; accordingly.

 So, it can be used directly as a fuel in various energy applications such as direct firing in boilers, gas turbines, or gas engines. Heating values of the chars obtained from plasma pyrolysis are usually comparable with those of lignite and coke; thus, they can be used as a solid fuel directly.

Thermal plasma reactors need significant amounts of energy input to achieve their high processing temperatures. This makes them costly to operate. We in Plasma Dynamics, design and optimize procedure in a way that the energy content of the pyrolysis products is utilized and recycled. Consequently, the plasma pyrolysis treatment process is energy self-sufficient in a way that the operating cost is significantly reduced. Plasma pyrolysis has the following advantages:

  • Efficient delivery of heat energy for simultaneous rapid promotion of both physical and chemical changes in waste material.
  • Easy achievement of high and effective processing temperatures in very compact, high throughput and fast response reactors.
  • The properties of plasma pyrolysis products are suitable for energy production.
  • Non-polluting and capable of destroying substances that are harmful to human health, while the products are also predictable, harmless, and acceptable for public health and the environment.

A thermal effect on tires in the pyrolysis (or plasma pyrolysis or arc plasma pyrolysis) reactor produces hydrocarbon gas, followed by its condensation into synthetic liquid fuels and mineral residue as slag. Slag is used as fedstock for plasma gasification units, while liquid synthetic fuels can be commercialized in the production of gasoline and diesel fraction.  Steel cord is graded out at the preparation stage or discharged through the mineral residue output system and is used as a raw material for sale.

Plasma Gasification Plant scrapped tire tyre rubber waste disposal treatment cracking pyrolysis energy hydrogen production eea epa 2
Plasma Pyrolysis processing of waste tires and rubber products | waste treatment, cracking, pyrolysis and hydrogen production according United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ,European Environment Agency (EEA) of national waste prevention programmes and Environment Action Programme

Plasma Dynamics

We are the translation of advanced science to Real in hand technologies.

Advanced Technology for Green Planet

Microwave Plasma & Hydrocracking Hydrogen Production

With lowest amount of money

Plasma treatment of carbohydrates, toxic gases, carbon dust, silt and sludge Plasma Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Component Of Integrated Waste Recycling

Eliminate the formation of hazardous substances such as dioxins, furans, NOx

Absence of combustion (oxidation) in the waste disposal cycle

The application of this technology does not lead to an increase in the cost of equipment for waste disposal

Computer Modeling and Simulation


We have a very powerful computer simulation team with extensive experience in this field, so we can provide high-quality simulation of processes of any plasma related systems using the most powerful software.

Plasma Propulsion Engine, Treatment & Simulation

Plasma Technologies: R&D Better Design Engineering Simulation Faster Test Optimized Manufacturing  Lowest cost to market

Research, Development, Improvement, Design, realization, production of a prototype and industrial sample


By very powerful team, which includes professors, young scientists and engineers with extensive experience in this field, we will be able to provide the high-quality research, development, improvement and design for any plasma related system.

Connections and scientific cooperation with various universities in this industry, give us a great opportunity to find a solution to even the most complex problems associated with plasma technologies.

We have great experience to realization and production of a prototypes for further research and improvement and data monitoring.


Design & Manufacturing of Plasma-based Plant, based on clients needs including economic, performance and environmental aspects

Complete and safe hazardous waste (outdated medications, banned pesticides, plastic gears, pathological waste, container, etc.) removal method is high temperature (plasma) pyrolysis. Plasma Dynamics plasma-chemical reactors used as the major part of any gasification plant and designed, optimized and manufactured based on material content and applications for each client with different assembly and configuration for:

  • Medical waste
  • Biological waste
  • Municipal waste gasification
  • Destruction of paint-and-varnish liquid wastes such as organic solvents, paints, varnishes, adhesives, mastics and resins
  • Wastes of water conditioning of wastewater treatment and water utilization and liquid wastes of wastewater treatment facilities
  • Destruction of chemical and biological weapon components
  • Our arc discharged plasma Technology is an effective tool for many types of application including hazardous waste treatment
Plasma Propulsion Engine, Treatment & Simulation

Plasma Technologies: R&D Better Design Engineering Simulation Faster Test Optimized Manufacturing  Lowest cost to market

Applications of Plasma Technology in Nuclear industry

The interest in plasma technology in the application of harmful substances neutralization processes is huge. We can use it for performing chemical reactions in the plasma medium (methane pyrolysis, titanium oxide production, reduction of pure substances from their oxides and chlorides: uranium, titanium, germanium, tantalum, etc.), for plasma-chemical production of uranium oxides for nuclear power stations, hydropyrolysis of silicon tetrafluoride SiF4 and production of hydrogen fluoride HF and ultradisperse silicon oxide Si02 out of it, production of titanium dioxide Ti02 out of titanium chloride TiCl4, etc.